My Blogging Adventures

Friday, April 27, 2007

So I realized something today, Swing Scene has nearly twice as many hits as my myspace. I have 83 friends! So I must be doing something right on Swing Scene.

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Friday, April 20, 2007

Yet another blogging adventure (3 in one day. 4Rest at Pet Peeving (the whore) has tagged me as a successful blogger (? - well I have had 3 adventures to talk about today, and this could make a 4th) with this simple secrets for success thing. Seems I'm supposed to fulfill some debt to the blogosphere by posting little habits I have that make me successful. I'll do that as soon I'm either a) successful or b) find habits I won't be embarrassed to publish.

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Oh, and another thing (which really makes no sense since this will post ahead of my previous entry, but oh well), the traffic on Swing Scene is really taking off. I'm up to nearly 1300 views now, there must be someone reading it because there are typically 3 or 4 view a day, and even a few times in the past month I've had into the 20's.

Now that is a blogging adventure.

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So My Blogging Adventures isn't much more than monthly at the moment.

I think I'm convinced that I like wordpress better than blogger, especially when using ScribeFire or the Flock blog editor with the technorati tag feature.

I seem to do much more commenting that actual posting to my blogs. I seem to have much more to say in response to others blogs than on my own, though I did start a new one about wine which I haven't written anything on yet because I haven't opened a bottle of wine since I started it... I have such great intentions.

Maybe I'll start a blog of nothing but comments to other sites, that might work quite nicely actually, it could be kind of fun. It'd give something that would grow every day too. Actually, that could become the primary feature of My Blogging Adventures.

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