Yet another blogging adventure (3 in one day. 4Rest at Pet Peeving (the whore) has tagged me as a successful blogger (? - well I have had 3 adventures to talk about today, and this could make a 4th) with this simple secrets for success thing. Seems I'm supposed to fulfill some debt to the blogosphere by posting little habits I have that make me successful. I'll do that as soon I'm either a) successful or b) find habits I won't be embarrassed to publish.
Labels: 4rest, adventures, blogging, pet peeving, simple secrets for success
At 12:09 PM,
Forrest Blogs said…
This is what I have to say in response to the (whore) jab.
As Michael Scott would say to Dwight Schrute on The Office...."You Ignorant Slut!"
At 12:21 PM,
Anonymous said…
You know My Blogging Adventures, you bring up a good point about that whole "what habits make you successful" thing that is going on around the blogosphere right now:
The habits that I see people posting have no relation to success! Folks are just posting random shit, habits they do everyday but have got nothin' to do with success or failure. I saw one that read, "#4 I kiss my wife in the morning." Come on, be honest here. Who is really intentional about that? That's a sub-concious action that you mindlessly perform every day so you won't get bitched at later that night. Everyone knows it but are too afraid to admit it. It's totally a psychological pain or pleasure thing. You do it to avoid pain later. It's certainly not an intentional 'habit' that guides you towards success!
The exercise reached a level of hilarity for me that kept escalating with each habit I read. People just listed their routines, nothing success-oriented.
Thank you My Blogging Adventures for keeping real, being honest and just admitting you don't have any successful habits. I'd rather hear the truth over idealism any day!
At 12:41 PM,
Anonymous said…
Back off buddy! I'm the #1 fan on My Blogging Adventures!
Keep those adventures coming!
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