My Blogging Adventures

Monday, September 25, 2006

When I first began this blogging adventure I had the misimpression that if I turned on the option to be notified by email of each comment I receive I'd get flooded, what with all my friends who would suredly be devoted readers. Well at least I have one consistent commenter... so here's to you bro! Thanks for always letting me know that at least someone is out there in this world who cares... at least moderately.

Friday, September 22, 2006

I'm not very good at this. Sorry!

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Traffic is soaring on Swing Scene. Somehow recent blog searches and web searches have been about topics I've written about. Nothing like watching the traffic on unboomed in my early days of blogging, but it's still pretty exciting.

I still like wordpress better than blogger, but we'll see once blogger's new format is rolled out past beta.

I'm wrestling with the idea of the personal responsibility blog... you'll know soon enough, but hopefully not before I do.