The only thing that holds me back is the time. Do I have time to post something along those natures every day or two? I can barely keep the blogs I keep "updated" updated. It would be a fun blog, and would probably even generate some traffic as it would be news driven. And no doubt I'd take some controversial stances on some things.
Wednesday, August 30, 2006
The only thing that holds me back is the time. Do I have time to post something along those natures every day or two? I can barely keep the blogs I keep "updated" updated. It would be a fun blog, and would probably even generate some traffic as it would be news driven. And no doubt I'd take some controversial stances on some things.
Tuesday, August 29, 2006
Monday, August 28, 2006
I totally forgot to update My Blogging Adventures on Friday! My apologies. It won't happen again.
The crazy thing is I have things to talk about too!
I've been using Blogger and Wordpress for different blogs with the purpose of comparing the two. After a few months now I still don't really have much to say. Maybe my role in life is not to a technology reviewer.
Here are my observations and a few judgments though:
- Wordpress is much less intimidating to use than blogger
- Blogger is much more customizable (unless you want to pay on Wordpress)
- They both use the term dashboard
- Wordpress provides some basic statistics, which is nice
- Blogger lets you more easily leverage your blog, adding ads, scripts, etc.
- Wordpress' pre-installed themes are better than Blogger, though blogger has more choices.
I don't have a particular preference though, I haven't tried using Wordpress with multiple blogs as I have Blogger, and I haven't really utilized BloggerCSS or templates yet, though I have played around extensively with the themes for Wordpress (though I'm not about the pay for the rights to customize the CSS in Wordpress). customizable
So I guess I'll have more on this subject later.Friday, August 18, 2006
I've been reading more blogs lately. I was struck by Pendrops today as Krista described her tussle with writer's block and her desire to be published. I'm not the only struggling blogger out there! Well that's obvious when you consider how many blogs succumb to ascetism by their authors within 90 days. I'm over that hump though, so shouldn't it be easier to continue writing? Maybe I'm spread to thin, and ought to just maintain one blog? Maybe I put to much pressure on myself to generate more words than necessary?
All I know right now is that blogging is not feeling much like an adventure at the moment, more like the third day home sick and I'm tired of everything that's on TV!
Tuesday, August 15, 2006
But I'm home now; and with an hour to kill on Tuesdays and Thursdays before my evenings start up at Starbucks I'll have plenty of time to continue on my journey through the blogging realm.
I'll have more to post about soon... until then, fare thee well wayfaring reader.