I'm having to adjust my blogroll a little bit. One of my favorite blogs of all time, Pet Peeving has taken a permanent hiatus, and another friend's blog of original poetry has also gone without updates in a very long time. I can no longer link to them. But I do have two new ones to add, a new start up blog, Hampton, and the most recent blogging adventure by a buddy of mine, Pour Out.
I encourage you to check them out... they're each good reads.
I encourage you to check them out... they're each good reads.
At 9:10 AM,
Anonymous said…
Hey, thanks for tips on the blog roll! It's always an adventure when you cruise through your list and find out a few folks aren't even blogging anymore!
I look forward to the new ads! Keep up the good work!
At 9:24 AM,
Anonymous said…
You know what, this is something I just don't understand about blogging:
How many of us as kids tried to keep a diary? How many of you tried to keep a journal? If you were the typical average kiddo, you probably did and within two weeks had miserably failed at it.
So here's my question: Why are people so eager to publicize their ability to fail in this area by creating a blog?
I mean everytime I check out a friends blog and see, "Last Post: February 13, 2005" I'm like, "Whoops! FAIL-URE!" I know exactly what this person was thinking when they started the blog too, "I'm going to post everyday! I'm to post my thoughts because I've got a lot to say, plus I'm going to end every post with something sentimental!" They quickly find out they only had about 2 days worth of stuff to say, the sentimental stuff sounds gay and the blog dies...out in the open...for all to see.
Please, I urge everyone to think about what you're doing when you start a blog. It's for your own good. Remember, blogs aren't asexual - they can't do themselves.
At 9:27 AM,
Tim M said…
I couldn't agree more everyone's favorite smitty!
At 2:19 PM,
Anonymous said…
At 1:10 PM,
Anonymous said…
[chirp, chirp]
[chirp, chirp]
At 2:13 PM,
Forrest Blogs said…
I am proud to announce that PET PEEVING is back with a new look!
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