My Blogging Adventures

Friday, November 10, 2006

Swing Scene traffic is soaring lately. It took nearly 3 month to hit 200 views, in the 6 weeks since then there have been an additional 150! I sure hope this doesn't go to my head.

What has been most interesting is the growth in searches bringing eyeballs to Swing Scene. Pretty consistently there have been search engine referals now. Some of them are unrelated, but more of them are somehow related to Lindy Hop and the events I've been to.

I've been thinking about blogging lately. Why don't I seem able to post frequently and consistently is the question that has occupied most of these thoughts. I post about 2 things really, Swing Dancing, and my posts about swing dancing. Kind of a boring blogging life really.

The posts about dancing are so infrequent because I'm not dancing as much as I used to. And often my reaction to dancing is only so-so, and I don't want Swing Scene to become labored with rants about Nashville's Lindy Hop scene.

The blogging about theology I wanted to do on MySpace... well that has fallen apart because I've read nothing lately. Simply, I haven't felt like rehashing topics I've already settled in my mind and I've not done anything to challenge myself intellectually to create in me questions or realizations.

And so I'm stuck doing mediocre blogging because I don't take enough time to read the right books, and don't go dancing enough. But I do watch Heros and Friday Night Lights each week, maybe I should blog about those?


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